Druid Wererat Male
Druid Wererat Male
Druid Wererat Male

    Druid Wererat Male


    Are you ready to add a unique and powerful character to your tabletop RPG game? Look no further than our Druid Wererat Male character for sale!

    This character is a master of nature magic, with the ability to shape-shift into a powerful wererat form when necessary. His sharp senses and quick reflexes make him an expert at stealth and survival, making him a valuable asset in any adventuring party.

    With his druidic powers, this character can control the elements, summon animals to his aid, and heal wounds with ease. His wererat form gives him enhanced strength and agility, allowing him to take down foes with ease.

    But beware, his dual nature means he may sometimes struggle with the balance between his human and animal instincts, and his appearance as a wererat may cause some NPCs to react with fear or hostility.

    If you're looking for a unique and exciting character to add to your tabletop RPG game, don't hesitate to purchase our Druid Wererat Male character today!