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The spine of the Shields of Dawn, their cries heard throughout miles as
they raise their shields and prepare to give their lives for the order.
Made up of people who believe in the shields’ sacred mission, or who
once saw them in battle, the legionnaires are an example of comradeship
and devoutness, who have sacrificed their personal happiness to join the
Every recruit is sent to Rodos, the shields’ majestic fortress that guards the
Bridge of Light, for training under more experienced legionnaires.
These warriors are trained in the use of heavy armor and weapons from
the first day. When they complete their training, the legionnaires go through
a baptism where they are thrown into a lake in full armor and expected to
swim out without assistance. Many have died in this fashion, but it is expected
that each warrior has total dominion over the use of their armor.
As with the other units, each legionnaire is expected to care for his
armor, repairing it if necessary and keeping it polished and neat at all times.
For the shields, their armors are everything, a contract between the wearer
and the order. The state of it reflects the legionnaire’s commitment to the
Shields of Dawn and their just cause.
Thanks to the extensive training, the legionaries can move as if they were
wearing light armor or none at all; an element which gives them a surprise
advantage over new enemies who expect them to be slow and clumsy,
learning the truth only too late.