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Folques’ younger sibling is the supreme commander of the orders’ aerial
troops and one of the most gallant warriors the shields have ever known.
During the first years of the siblings’ training, the order noticed peculiarities
with young Konrad. Capable as his brother with arms, Konrad was
more aloof, preferring to explore the Bridge of Light’s surroundings and
study the order’s texts and tomes.
The 2 siblings rose amongst the ranks, with some believing they were avatars of the Twin Suns -the primary deities of many of the peoples of Eluan.
When the former grandmaster died, the order’s masters knew that Foulques
would be voted as her successor. But the question remained as to what
to do with Konrad, another suitable choice for grandmaster.
While the masters debated and Foulques snuck out to slay the dragon,
Konrad spotted him leaving and tried to dissuade him, but to no avail.
Beset with worry, Konrad drifted around the Bridge of Light, praying for
his brother’s success. During the darkest hours of the night, just as despair
overcame him, Konrad noticed a maiden standing on the bridge. She was
naked, her body wrapped by her long silver hair.
An unearthly stillness filled the space as Konrad stared in awe. The
woman turned to him, smiled and leapt off the bridge. Not hesitating,
Konrad jumped after to rescue her.
The grandmaster seldom talks about what happened next. What is
known is that just as his brother returned from dispatching the dragon,
Konrad appeared on the bridge, wearing silver armor and gifted with a
mesmerizing pair of wings, and flanked by a host of justiciars.
Comprehending the magnitude of the event, the masters selected two
grandmasters, a first in the Shields of Dawn’s history.