Barbarian Deep Gnome Male Snirfneblin - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature

    Barbarian Deep Gnome Male Snirfneblin - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature


    The Deep Gnome Male is a diminutive creature, standing no more than 3 feet tall. However, what he lacks in size he makes up for in raw strength and tenacity. Raised in the rugged underground caverns of his people, the Barbarian Deep Gnome Male has learned to survive in the harshest of environments.

    He has thick, matted hair that hangs down to his shoulders, and a beard that covers most of his face. His skin is rough and calloused, and his eyes are dark and piercing. He wears little in the way of clothing, preferring instead to rely on his natural toughness and resilience.

    As a Barbarian, this Deep Gnome Male is a fierce warrior who relies on brute force and primal instincts to defeat his enemies. He wields a massive war hammer, which he swings with incredible strength and precision. When he enters a rage, his already impressive strength is amplified, allowing him to take on foes much larger than himself.

    Despite his fearsome appearance and brutal fighting style, the Barbarian Deep Gnome Male is fiercely loyal to his friends and allies. He will stop at nothing to protect those he cares about, even if it means putting himself in harm's way.

    Players who choose to play as a Barbarian Deep Gnome Male can expect to be a powerful force on the battlefield, capable of dealing massive damage to their foes. They will also have the opportunity to roleplay a character with a rich backstory and a strong sense of loyalty and honor.