Winged Justiciars - Shields of Dawn Collection - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature

    Winged Justiciars - Shields of Dawn Collection - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature


    A long time ago, just when a primal evil ravished the continent of Eluan,
    and people fell to war and an unholy pestilence, a lone woman on the
    verge of death prayed for a miracle. For the first time in three years, a single
    ray of light drilled through the dark clouds and signaled the start of dawn.

    On the spot where the light fell, a golden glowing armor and shield appeared. Both were glorious and sparkled like a giant star in the sky.

    Needing no explanation, the woman put on the armor which fit perfectly
    and weighed less than a swan’s feather. At that instant, the ray of light
    plunged behind a mountain, creating a bridge ascending into the heavens.
    The shield vibrated, with the following words forming on its smooth surface:
    “From this bridge, a new era will emerge. Until then, you are its guardian.”

    Swearing to uphold the divine command given to her, she soon became
    a legend of her own, attracting many followers that would found the order of The Shields of Dawn.

    As the order’s reputation and numbers grew, a couple of decades ago, a
    pair of winged humanoids crossed the Bridge of Light towards RĂłdos. Many
    believed it was the start of the foretold new era. The winged humanoids soon denied this, claiming they’d been sent to assist the shields until the era-announcing moment arrived. More winged humanoids, all beautiful and wearing majestic sets of armor, soon followed the pair. They referred to themselves as Justiciars, sworn to assist the Shields of Dawn and obey the commands of the Grand Masters.

    Silent as unwavering, the justiciars dive from the clouds, releasing potent
    attacks and falling on the order’s enemies. Although they don’t look it, they
    are mortal and succumb to injury and death.

    Whenever they appear on the battlefield, a golden mist arises from
    the ground, while an invisible choir hums from inside it, thus comforting the
    shields who remember their vows and fight with renewed commitment.