Hania River-Dream Oracle- Woodenhorn Clan Collection - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature
Hania River-Dream Oracle- Woodenhorn Clan Collection - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature
Hania River-Dream Oracle- Woodenhorn Clan Collection - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature

    Hania River-Dream Oracle- Woodenhorn Clan Collection - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature


    The Woodenhorn clan is always looking out for children with great affinity for magic, for the shamans are of great use to the clan, covering the weaknesses of the usual brawny fighters of the clan.

    However, from among these magically adept children there is always one that’s chosen for an incredibly important role: The Moon Protector

    The moon protector is a child that is brought up to be the oracle of the clan. They are trained in the art of oneiromancy and other divination techniques, and they cultivate an even deeper connection with nature and its elements.

    Being the oracle means she is the one who makes most of the important decisions for the clan, such as when to travel, what to hunt and where, and even when to go to war. Her most important role and the reason behind her Protector status is that the oracles are able to sense danger and see prophecies in their dreams.