Barbarian Half Orc With Mullet Raging Male

    Barbarian Half Orc With Mullet Raging Male


    Krunk Ironmullet is a towering Barbarian Half-Orc with a wild and unruly mullet that reaches down to his broad shoulders. His green skin is adorned with tribal tattoos, and he wears a suit of crude leather armor that bears the scars of many battles. Krunk's piercing eyes gleam with a fierce intensity, and his sharp tusks give him a fearsome appearance.

    Krunk is a ferocious warrior who revels in the thrill of battle. He charges headlong into combat, swinging his greatsword with wild abandon and roaring a battle cry that echoes across the battlefield. His mullet, which he takes great pride in, is often tied back with scraps of leather or adorned with feathers and beads as a symbol of his status as a warrior.

    Despite his rough exterior, Krunk has a soft spot for his fellow adventurers, and he will do whatever it takes to protect them. He is fiercely loyal to his friends, and he will stop at nothing to ensure their safety. Krunk is not one for words, preferring to let his actions speak for him, but when he does speak, his voice is deep and rumbling, like the growl of a hungry bear.