Amalgamammoth - Abominable Beasts Collection - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature

    Amalgamammoth - Abominable Beasts Collection - 3D Resin Print - D&D Pathfinder NPC Miniature


    In the depths of the ancient forests, where shadows dance among the trees and the whispers of forgotten spirits echo through the underbrush, there roams a creature of nightmares. Thornscale, once a majestic mammoth revered by the woodland creatures, has become a twisted abomination—a fusion of animal, dragon, and horror.

    Long ago, Thornscale was a guardian of the forest, a gentle giant who roamed the lands with a kind heart and a protective spirit. But when a fell darkness seeped into the woods, corrupting the very essence of nature, Thornscale fell victim to its malevolent influence. Mutated by dark magic and infused with the essence of a slain dragon, the once noble mammoth was twisted into a monstrous amalgamation of flesh and terror.

    Now, Thornscale wanders the forest as a harbinger of doom, its massive form shrouded in a writhing mass of tentacles and mutated appendages. Its eyes burn with an unholy light, and its roars shake the very earth beneath its feet. Those unfortunate enough to cross paths with Thornscale find themselves facing a nightmare made real—a creature that embodies the horrors of the forest itself.

    Some whisper that Thornscale's mutation was not a random act of magic, but rather the result of a sinister experiment gone awry—a twisted creation born from the ambitions of a mad wizard or an ancient curse long forgotten. Regardless of its origins, Thornscale is now a terror that stalks the woods, a living reminder of the dangers that lurk in the darkest corners of the world.

    As a wandering horror, Thornscale is neither friend nor foe to the denizens of the forest. It exists only to satisfy its own insatiable hunger, consuming anything that dares to cross its path—be it animal, monster, or hapless adventurer. Its presence is a blight upon the land, a reminder of the fragility of life and the ever-present threat of the unknown.

    Keywords: animal, dragon, forest, horror, monster, mutant, tentacle, mammoth, Beasts, fell, wanderer, zombie, tarr, warhammer, tabletop gaming, RPG, role-playing, Pathfinder, NPC, encounter.

    Base 75MM Height: 152MM