Grommash Boarslayer is a hulking Barbarian Half-Orc who rides atop a massive, tusked boar into battle. He wears a suit of leather armor adorned with boar tusks and a fur...
Gruumsh Thunderhead is a towering Barbarian Half-Orc with a fierce and imposing presence. He stands well over six feet tall, with rippling muscles and skin as tough as hide. His...
Krunk Ironmullet is a towering Barbarian Half-Orc with a wild and unruly mullet that reaches down to his broad shoulders. His green skin is adorned with tribal tattoos, and he...
Gruk is a Halfling barbarian with a fierce determination and a love for smashing things. Despite his small stature, he possesses an impressive strength that he uses to devastating effect...
Meet Throgar, a fierce Barbarian Human ready to join your party in your next tabletop RPG game. Throgar stands at just under seven feet tall, he is a powerhouse of...
Skarrg is a towering Barbarian Lizardfolk, standing over seven feet tall with rippling muscles and thick, scaly skin that glimmers in the sunlight. His eyes are a piercing yellow, and...
Grommash is a towering minotaur with rippling muscles and thick, matted fur. He stands over seven feet tall and weighs over 400 pounds. His sharp horns curve out from his...
Grak is a Barbarian slothfolk who is known for his incredible strength and lethargic demeanor. He is a towering figure, standing at nearly seven feet tall and weighing over 300...
Kaela is a fierce Barbarian Tiefling with a fiery temperament to match her infernal heritage. She stands tall at 6'4" with broad shoulders, muscular arms, and a toned physique honed...