Eira is a Half-Elf Bard who is known for her captivating voice and stunning performances. She stands at 5'6" with a slender frame, adorned in flowing, colorful garments that accentuate...
Pipit Bramblefoot is a Halfling Bard known for his charismatic personality and skillful musical performances. He often travels the land on his trusty dog mount, a loyal and nimble companion...
Meet Lilliana, a charismatic and talented halfling bard for your next tabletop adventure. Standing at only 3 feet tall, Lilliana may be small in stature, but she packs a powerful...
Tuck Underfoot is a Halfling Bard known for his quick wit, charming personality, and adventurous spirit. He stands at just over 3 feet tall with curly brown hair and piercing...
Meet Elara, a talented and charismatic human bard for sale. Elara is a skilled musician and storyteller, able to captivate audiences with her enchanting melodies and captivating tales. She is...
Introducing the male bard human tabletop character, a versatile and charismatic performer ready to take your game to the next level. This character is a skilled musician and storyteller, able...
Silvius Nightingale is a charismatic and talented Bard, known for his exceptional flute-playing abilities. With his slender build and piercing blue eyes, he exudes an air of mystery and elegance....
Kojiro Shimizu is a Kitsune Bard, known for mischievous nature and exceptional musical talents. With a lean build and flowing hair is a deep shade of red. Kojiro's bright green...
Kribble Stumpfingers is a male Kobold Bard who stands at about 3 feet tall. He has dusty brown scales and large, bright green eyes that twinkle mischievously. Kribble is a...