Bard Kobald Male

    Bard Kobald Male


    Kribble Stumpfingers is a male Kobold Bard who stands at about 3 feet tall. He has dusty brown scales and large, bright green eyes that twinkle mischievously. Kribble is a charismatic and cunning bard, always ready to spin a good story or play a rousing tune on his lute to entertain his companions.

    Kribble's passion for music and storytelling is matched only by his love for treasure. He's always on the lookout for the next big score and isn't afraid to take risks to get it. Kribble has a quick wit and sharp tongue, often using his words to talk his way out of sticky situations or get the upper hand in negotiations.

    Despite his cunning and ambition, Kribble is fiercely loyal to his companions and will stop at nothing to protect them. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty in a fight and is surprisingly skilled with a dagger despite his small size.

    In battle, Kribble uses his bardic magic to inspire his allies and demoralize his foes. His lute playing is so enchanting that it can even put enemies to sleep. When not in battle, Kribble can often be found regaling his companions with tales of his adventures or searching for the next big treasure hoard.

    Overall, Kribble Stumpfingers is a fun and dynamic character who brings a unique perspective to any tabletop RPG game.